
The Braemar Walkers were formed on 11 January 2010 to encourage walking in and around Braemar. The walks aim to promote fitness through walking and social interaction with like minded people.
Activities: Plan and execute walks, look at new and existing routes and research and investigate old and ancient paths in the area.

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Sunday 23 January 2011

Walkers meeting 2011

Walking Group AGM Minutes
17/01/2011 Moorfield Hotel

Meeting began at 19:34
Quantity and quality of walks

The walks of 2010 were deemed to be interesting and varied. They were fairly frequent but there could have been more. Suggestions were for more walks in the summer months with perhaps a schedule drawn up booking ahead for three months. We should continue to mix mid-week walks with weekend walks, and also include some evening walks, afternoon walks and full day walks. A full moon walk in the snow was also suggested. It was felt we should have had more low level walks and we could also look at the possibility of having a walk starting and finishing at the same place but with two different routes, one easy and one more challenging. It would be prudent to have a foul weather alternative for each walk. Dave, Pete, Richard will get together to come up with a summer schedule of walks. Everybody can send requests/ideas, and offers of leading particular walks via email or phone.

Health and Safety
No one person should be in charge of the health and safety of the individuals in the group. Richard, Duncan & Liz are up to date First Aiders, but no others present at the meeting were. It was decided that each walker should be responsible for his own welfare and that a list of what is required in a basic first aid kit would be placed on the blog. The use of a 4-man emergency shelter was demonstrated for general interest.

 Blogs and other stuff
It was requested that walkers respond online to the blog so that we can get feedback on the walks. Richard has asked for a link from the Braemar website and the Braemar and Crathie Parish website. He will also pursue a link with St Andrew’s R.C. website and also look into establishing a facebook page. It was agreed that while there is no need to walk with other groups (Probus, Ramblers, Aboyne, Ballater) from outside the village, it might be beneficial to touch base and find out what walks they do etc.

Village Projects
The group agreed in principle about getting involved in village projects that concerned walkers, e.g the proposed bridge over the Dee. There has been agreement, in principle, from the estates on the proposal and Dave Evans, on behalf of BCL, is liaison. He is due to talk to the engineer, during the next week, to get the project properly costed then consult with relevant bodies such as CNPA and Aberdeenshire Council. If everything is still feasible the next stage is to request formal planning permission and look into the matter of funding. The last estimate was £300,000 At the moment the role of the walking group is to give morale support and keep intere
st in the project alive by promoting the idea in the local media such as the ‘Buzzard’ the Braemar website and Walkers Blog.

Next walk
The next walk is an easy low level one on Tuesday 25th January (Burns Day) meeting in the main Car Park behind the Butchers Shop at 1pm. The route will be via the Society Bridge and the new path to Queens drive and Lions Face, about 3hours.
Meeting closed at 20.24

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